Manitoga Is The Scenic Estate In New York That You’ll Wish You Had Discovered Sooner
By Lea Monroe|Published March 06, 2020
Lea Monroe
Writer for Only In Your State. Scribbling about all things New York and Buffalo related while also keeping you updated on the latest travel news! Inquiries:
Throughout all of the regions that make up the Empire State, you’ll find architectural gems that will you completely in awe. Many of our residents in New York and out-of-town visitors may have heard about and visited the works and historical homes that were designed by Frank Lloyd Wright, but have you ever heard about the stunning home in our state that was occupied by another famous Wright? Showing you a unique side of the Hudson Valley region, it’s time to get a glimpse inside this scenic estate in Putnam County.
Set back from the roadside in the beautiful town of Garrison, keep an eye out for signage along Route 9D to discover Manitoga.
Formerly the estate of American industrial designer, Russel Wright, Manitoga is one of many historical and architecturally stunning homes that you can tour and visit here in New York State.
The 90-minute tours will give you an exclusive look at the interior of the house and studio, where you'll get to see how Russel Wright once lived and all of the unique details that make up this home.
While you'll find yourself making your way down stone steps inside of the house and interact with pieces of Mother Nature while you're indoors, you'll actually find even more to explore outside of the home!
Open to visitors all year long, explorers are welcome to come to Manitoga to hike along the well-groomed trail system that will have you surrounded by all of the beautiful terrain and flora that makes up the Hudson Valley region.
Easy to navigate as long as you have a sturdy pair of shoes, it's important to never stray off of Manitoga's trails, as you'll find yourself walking past fragile moss and wildflowers.
The perfect day trip to take when you're looking to see more of this area of New York, you'll wish you had discovered Manitoga sooner once you finally visit.