The Magical World Of Harry Potter Is Coming To This One New York Town And You Won’t Want To Miss It
By Lea Monroe|Published August 31, 2018
Lea Monroe
Writer for Only In Your State. Scribbling about all things New York and Buffalo related while also keeping you updated on the latest travel news! Inquiries:
For a whole laundry list of reasons, you’ll often find that Harry Potter fans begin to make more eye-catching appearances once the fall weather starts to roll around. Perhaps is because we start to pull our costumes out of the closet for the Holiday season or maybe it’s because we begin to wish for trips to the Wizarding World of Harry Potter, but whatever the case may be – we’re all ready to get into the spirit of things. With upcoming events in a handful of locations around New York, find out if the magical wonder that fills Hogwarts is coming to a town near you.