A Terrifying, Deadly Storm Struck New York In 1977 And No One Saw It Coming
By Lea Monroe|Updated on September 30, 2021(Originally published September 25, 2021)
Lea Monroe
Writer for Only In Your State. Scribbling about all things New York and Buffalo related while also keeping you updated on the latest travel news! Inquiries: Lmonroe@onlyinyourstate.com
The Empire State has seen more than its fair share of historic snowy weather. With our western borders lying along the shores of both Lake Erie and Lake Ontario, this half of our state has become all too familiar with troublesome snow storms. Most of our current residents likely remember our epicSnowvember blizzard from a few years ago, but if you thought that was bad? Well, you should have been around for the terrifying and deadly snow storm that left the city of Buffalo and its surrounding areas completely helpless back in 1977. This is among New York’s worst blizzards and it will never be forgotten.
Our residents who were around for this storm are reminded of New York’s worst blizzard every time it snows in western New York. To take a step back in time, check out this old news footage from the storm. It’s provided by staffannouncer on YouTube.
Do you remember New York’s worst blizzard? This unbelievable storm paralyzed western New York for nearly two weeks. If you have your own photos or stories about winter in New York, we’d love to hear them.
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Winter In New York
Lisa Sammons|September 30, 2021
What are the worst natural disasters in New York history?
Most of our worst natural disasters have involved flooding or snow. We've had several horrible blizzards, including a 2004 Christmas Eve winter storm that was terrible. 1938 saw New England and New York struck by a hurricane. We have been hit by several hurricanes, but that was one of the worst. We even occasionally get tornadoes, like those in the outbreak of April 2002. Who could forget the Storm of the Century in 1993? That one caused snowfall even as far south as Alabama.
What are some good winter activities in New York?
There's nothing like going snow tubing in New York! If you don't mind the cold, there's so much to do outside. Skiing down Whiteface Mountain is a must for any outdoor enthusiast. And there's nothing like seeing our beautiful waterfalls all decked out in ice. Of course, if you don't like the low temperatures (we don't blame you!), there's plenty of indoor attractions to check out as well.