9 Horribly Creepy Things You Didn't Know You Could Do In New York
By Lea Monroe|Published October 11, 2017
Lea Monroe
Writer for Only In Your State. Scribbling about all things New York and Buffalo related while also keeping you updated on the latest travel news! Inquiries: Lmonroe@onlyinyourstate.com
You may be familiar with popular creepy attractions that are offered during the month of October and Halloween season, like haunted houses and chilling hayrides that will have you hanging on the edge of your seat. But there are some lesser known places that are equally as terrifying all around our state that you may not even know about. Sending a shiver down your spine, here are some of the most intensely creepy destinations that you can visit in New York.
1. Go for a haunted stroll through Yaddo in Saratoga Springs.
There might be a chance that you're already familiar with this Saratoga Springs garden, but did you know that during the fall things around here tend to get a bit more spooky? Now through October 29th on Fridays and Sundays at 5PM, you can pay a $10 fee to take a unique and eerie walking tour through Yaddo. The gardens have a history of lingering spirits, many people claim to be the ghosts of children that once lived here. Eek!
The perfect town to visit during the Halloween season, head down to Sleepy Hollow to experience the area that inspired Washington Irving to write The Legend of Sleepy Hollow. During the month of October you can find haunted hayrides going on throughout town, unique tours of the haunted Sleepy Hollow Cemetery and other intense activities that will leave you with the hairs on the back of your neck absolutely raised.
A true tale so haunting that it went on to inspire books and movies, the story surrounding the death of Grace Brown is one that New Yorkers won't ever seem to forget. To make an incredibly long story short, Grace Brown fell for a boy named Chester Gilette who refused to take Grace out in public or acknowledge their relationship due to differences in social stature. After Grace found out she was pregnant, Chester went on to murder her on Big Moose Lake and leave her body in the water. The chilling and true tale has long haunted the area, with those staying up in this part of the Adirondacks reportedly running into the spirit of Grace Brown.
Many of New York's most haunted locations look quite inconspicuous during the daytime, never letting on that they have such a horrid history surrounding them. Durand Eastman Park out in Rochester may look like nothing more than your average park, but ask around and locals will inform you that a Lady in White supposedly haunts certain areas of the park. In an area of the park you'll find the wall that you can see pictured above, a spot now often referred to as The White Lady's Castle, where the woman's spirit supposedly lingers on.
A haunted restaurant in New York sounds too strange to be true, but people who have visited and worked at the Wayside Irish Pub out between Syracuse and Auburn will tell you that this place is quite haunted. Ghost stories surrounding this restaurant have been told since the 1960s and continue to frighten people today. Some say a female ghosts lingers in the upstairs territory of the restaurant, while others have reported a male presence that even goes as far as pulling the hair of guests who are dining here.
When it comes to places like Saratoga National Historical Park, it's not too surprising to hear ghost stories surrounding a place that has such a violent and deadly history. Those who hike along the Wilkinson Trail in the park have reportedly hearing noises of upset soldiers, loud drumming and even gun shots. Other people who have gone exploring in the park have also claimed to have had unusual experiences that they can't quite explain.
As soon as you hear the name "13 Curves" the pit of your stomach sort of seems to drop a little, nothing about this name sounds lighthearted! The haunted and winding road is a popular place to visit during the Halloween season, with New Yorkers looking for a paranormal thrill more so than other times throughout the year. Legend has it that around the sixth curve in the road you can often see the spirit of a bloody bride who is in search of her husband. Creepy!
Head out to the city of Troy where you'll find numerous popular cemeteries to visit, and you might be able to stumble upon what some consider to be one of the handfuls of gates to hell. The private cemetery is off limits to visitors, but those who have been bold enough to make their way into the woods have reportedly seen statues of angels with their heads cut off and bleeding necks and other frightening forms of paranormal activity that nobody would hope to encounter.
To many people's surprise, you can actually find quite a few haunted hotels to visit in New York. But out of all of the creepy hotels that are hiding around our state, there's one that has earned a far more frightening reputation than the rest. Shanley Hotel has been known to be haunted by so many ghosts, that guests who wish to stay here actually have to sign a waiver in order to do so. Things get that intense.