You May Not Want To Hear How Much Money You Have To Make To Live In New York
By Lea Monroe|Published December 16, 2018
Lea Monroe
Writer for Only In Your State. Scribbling about all things New York and Buffalo related while also keeping you updated on the latest travel news! Inquiries:
If you visit the state of New York, it won’t take long for you to stumble upon a conversation where someone is talking about how high the taxes are here. While our state taxes are one thing we often complain about, it’s also the overall cost of living that’s become quite pricey here in the Northeast.
If you’re like me, you may rationalize the expensive cost of living in New York by reminding yourself that we (knock on every piece of wood there is to knock on ever) almost never deal with things like devastating natural disasters. A higher cost to live versus dealing with wildfires and tornadoes running rampant through our state usually feels like a fair trade. But the website How Much broke down the main points of why it’s so expensive to live in the Empire State – and you’re going to want to take a look at this.
While I highly doubt it’ll come to any of you as a surprise that it’s so costly to live here, was there anything unexpected that you found in How Much’s findings? Be sure to share your thoughts with us in the comments!
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