8 Moments Everyone Born In Buffalo Will Always Remember
Anyone with experience living in the 716 has lived through (or at least heard stories about) many milestone events of our city. Some are famous and others are infamous, but they all hold a special place in our collective story as Buffalonians. Here are eight moments everyone born in Buffalo will always remember.

We'd be fools not to start with this major Buffalo milestone. Even if you weren't born yet, the Blizzard of '77 is one moment Buffalonians will never forget. (And the Weather Channel won't let you even if you try!)

Fast-forward roughly 15 years to 1991, when the Bills made the Superbowl (yay!) and then lost it in the most heartbreaking way (boo). Anyone born in Buffalo will always remember Super Bowl XXV.

It was a sad, sad day when AM & A's closed up shop and sold to Bon Ton in 1995. Many Buffalonians will always remember their final stroll through the aisles of this local favorite department store.

"It's 11:00. Do you know where your children are?" Irv Weinstein recently passed away, but his legacy will remain strong in the hearts and memories of Buffalonians. Weinstein gave his final broadcast in 1998, and it's one Buffalonians will always remember.

Buffalo sports made another event infamous in 1999 with the Stanley Cup game against the Dallas Stars. The phrase, "No goal" will forever haunt Buffalo hockey fans' nightmares.

Speaking of hockey... 2008 brought Buffalo the first ever Winter Classic. This event is a happier highlight in the Buffalo memory reel. The winter event brought a big crowd and plenty of national attention to the 716.

Every Buffalonian will always remember their favorite finds at the Super Flea. They'll also likely remember how they felt in 2014 when it was announced that the flea market was closing.

This weather event is last, but certainly not least! Snowvember in 2014 is a more recent event, but that just means the memory is even fresher. Buffalonians will always remember this epic snowstorm that pummeled Western New York with feet upon feet of the white stuff.
Do you remember all eight of these Buffalo moments? Share your experiences living through these events in the comments below! And be sure to add your most memorable moments in the 716 while you’re at it.
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