Watch All Of Your Favorite Holiday Movies For Free At This Small-Town Theater Near Buffalo
By Lea Monroe|Published December 09, 2019
Lea Monroe
Writer for Only In Your State. Scribbling about all things New York and Buffalo related while also keeping you updated on the latest travel news! Inquiries:
One of the best parts about the holiday season is that we can almost always find our favorite holiday movies playing on TV around during this time of year, giving us the perfect excuse to stay cozied up inside. If you’re looking to elevate your holiday movie watching experience even further though, then you’re going to want to make the trip over to East Aurora to see what the charming theater on Main Street has to offer!
Hardly a half-hour away from Buffalo, the Aurora Theatre and Popcorn Shop is one of the most charming places you'll ever visit in this area of Western New York.
All throughout the year, you can visit this theatre to enjoy movies on Main Street, but during the holiday season, things get much more magical around here.
Plus, they're even featuring a popcorn tasting bar with two new flavors: Birthday Cake and Salted Caramel!
On weekends during the holiday season, visitors from all around Western New York come out to enjoy the Hollywood Holidays events that showcase free movies.
While it almost sounds too good to be true, Buffalonians can head out to the Aurora Theatre and Popcorn Shop to see their favorite holiday movies for free in the charming theatre while also getting a look at its private collection of props, costumes, and special new memorabilia from "How The Grinch Stole Christmas."
To find out more about Hollywood Holidays at the Aurora Theatre and Popcorn Shop, click here and be sure to stay up to date by following the theatre's official Facebook page!
Upcoming Free Hollywood Holidays Movies:
Saturday, December 14 at 11 a.m. - The Star
Saturday, December 14 at 9 p.m. - Christmas Vacation
Sunday, December 15 at 11 a.m. - A Christmas Story
Saturday, December 21 at 11 a.m. - The Polar Express
Sunday, December 22 at 11 a.m. - It’s A Wonderful Life