This Buffalo Park Has Endless Boardwalks And You'll Want To Explore Them All
By Lea Monroe|Published June 19, 2019
Lea Monroe
Writer for Only In Your State. Scribbling about all things New York and Buffalo related while also keeping you updated on the latest travel news! Inquiries:
As Buffalonians, oftentimes when we’re seeking an outdoor adventure one of the mains things we take into consideration is what sort of terrain we’re going to be dealing with. When it comes to enjoying hikes like Eternal Flame Falls, not all of our residents are prepared to maneuver their way through somewhat difficult hikes like that and are looking to enjoying a more leisurely outing. If you’re ready to experience a more easy-going alternative with equally scenic views, then take a look at how this one park in Buffalo has endless boardwalks for you to explore.
Right out along Buffalo's waterfront, the Tifft Nature Preserve is one of the city's best parks.
You can expect to see all sorts of different animals here in the preserve, but most commonly you'll see deer and a variety of birds that call this place home.
Unfamiliar with this sight? Well, the Tifft Nature Preserve has designated areas specifically for bats — another kind of wildlife that calls this place home.
If you're ready to trade in your usual industrial views for something a bit more secluded, then visit our local oasis that is the Tifft Nature Preserve.