9 Stereotypes About Buffalo That Need To Be Put To Rest Right Now
By Samantha Gill|Published December 27, 2017
Samantha Gill
Samantha Jo is a freelance copywriter, proofreader, and social media manager. In her spare time, Samantha enjoys drinking coffee, crafting, camping, blogging at kinandkindling.com, and sipping only the finest of boxed wines – not necessarily in that order.
Between significant snowstorms and our rowdy football fans, Buffalo tends to get a bad rep. If you talk to anyone about being from the 716, the chances are high that you’ll be met with undermining comments about the Queen City (and the people who live here). While some of the things that come to mind about WNY are accurate, here are 9 of the most common stereotypes about Buffalo that need to be put to rest right now.
What are some stereotypes about Buffalo or Buffalonians that rub you the wrong way? Share them with us in the comments below so we can help squash them!
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