11 Foods That Every Buffalonian Craves When They Leave Buffalo
By Samantha Gill|Published October 07, 2017
Samantha Gill
Samantha Jo is a freelance copywriter, proofreader, and social media manager. In her spare time, Samantha enjoys drinking coffee, crafting, camping, blogging at kinandkindling.com, and sipping only the finest of boxed wines – not necessarily in that order.
One of the biggest complaints from Buffalonians who roam away from home is that they can’t get their favorite foods anymore. It’s such an issue, in fact, that several companies have dedicated themselves to offer national shipping for Buffalo-centric items! What is it about Buffalo food that makes it so easily missed? We’re not entirely sure, but we do know that these 11 items of Queen City cuisine are craved by every Buffalonian when they leave Buffalo.