11 Privileges New Mexicans Have That The Rest Of The U.S. Doesn't
By Monica Spencer|Published December 15, 2019
Monica Spencer
Monica is a Diné (Navajo) freelance writer and photographer based in the Southwest. Born in Gallup and raised in Phoenix, she is Tódich'ii'nii (Bitter Water People) and Tsi'naajinii (Black Streak Wood People). Monica is a staff writer for Only In Your State, photo editor for The Mesa Legend, and previously a staff writer for The Navajo Post. You can reach her at monica.d.spencer@gmail.com.
What are some experiences you imagine when thinking about New Mexico? Perhaps the mouthwatering smell of chiles roasting in late summer, dramatic thunderstorms passing over landscapes, and that relief of narrowly avoiding stepping on goat’s heads barefoot?
Life in New Mexico has plenty of unique experiences and we think even quite a few perks. If you need help thinking of some privileges New Mexicans experience every day here, we have a few suggestions.
1. That food! Smelling, tasting, or even just looking at a plate of your favorite New Mexican meal brings an untold amount of joy to our hearts and minds.
2. Speaking of food and smells, let's think back to that first paragraph: chiles. In July and August, there's nothing like catching a heavenly whiff of chiles roasting over fires.
4. Not surprising to anyone here, but New Mexico has some of the sunniest skies in the country. The annual number of sunny days is only second to Arizona.
6. The Land of Enchantment could probably also be called the Land of Antiquity. It is home to some of the oldest buildings in the country, including the oldest house, the oldest church, and one of the oldest habitually-inhabited communities.
7. And that also means New Mexico has the largest number of UNESCO sites in the country: Taos Pueblo, Chaco Canyon, and Carlsbad Caverns. Not too shabby!
8. We can't forget the unforgettable landscapes you'll spot here. Places like White Sands National Monument, the Bisti Badlands, and the Blue Hole all showcase some of the best views New Mexico has to offer.
Life certainly is good in New Mexico! What are some privileges you think New Mexicans definitely have compared to other states? We would love to hear your suggestions.