Enjoy An Unexpectedly Magical Hike On This Little-Known Forested Waterfall Trail In New Mexico
By Will Suphan|Published November 09, 2022
Will Suphan
Will has been living in Arizona off and on for 30+ years in the Phoenix Metro and Tucson areas. He has traveled all over the state as well as having lived all over the Southwest. He's been writing for OnlyInYourState for one year and has previously written for Digital Journal. Will has a passion for travel and writing and combining the two is what he loves most. He loves solo international travel and has been to Thailand, France, Japan, and Cambodia.
New Mexico’s natural beauty spans across its desert, high desert, and forest biomes, and few things are better than hiking among its trees, enjoying the soothing sounds and views of lovely waterfalls. Thankfully, this state has many trails full of gorgeous landscapes where one can hike, watch birds, bike, and simply breathe the fresh air and enjoy the serenity that nature provides. Lost Lake Trail in the northern part of the state is the perfect trail to enjoy these things and there are even picturesque waterfalls to admire.
Lost Lake Trail is best visited from June to October and can be accessed from USFS Forest Rd 58. You are free to bring your dog, and some areas allow it to be off the leash. New Mexico also has several natural wonders that are very much worth experiencing. Let us know about your favorite nature spots in New Mexico in the comments.
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