This Unexpected Pub In New Mexico Is A Hidden Treasure Of Deliciousness
By E Jamar|Published August 06, 2019
E Jamar
E Jamar is a published writer based in Milwaukee, WI. Despite being a Midwesterner at heart, you can often find them trekking throughout the states and discovering new hidden gems. When they're not traveling, you can find them discussing disability issues, cuddling their pug puppy, and checking out new local spots.
We all know that the Land of Enchantment is full of historic spots, and the town of Gallup is no exception. Gallup is home to a popular part of Route 66, and right off the famous highway, you’ll find an unexpected little pub that’s home to some of the best food this side of Route 66. This hidden treasure of a restaurant is beloved by all the locals, and once you stop in you’ll be feeling like one of them. Get ready for a laid back but quirky atmosphere filled with delicious food, and even some live music to dance to at this incredible pub in Gallup.