While New Mexico is well known for its beautiful deserts, it isn’t as known for its woods, which can make finding an exciting hike in the woods difficult. But, if you are into interesting hikes and exploring new places, this bridge to nowhere in the middle in New Mexico is the perfect hike for you to lace up your hiking shoes and explore.
Just outside of Cloudcroft, you will find a short 2-mile hike called Mexican Canyon Trestle that will bring you to a very long and interesting bridge. While you can't walk across it due to a standing forest order, it is fascinating to look at.
The hike is a fairly easy one, as there is not much elevation gain. Even though you don't get to walk across the bridge, you can still imagine how scary it would be. Whatever you do, don't look down!
The Mexican Canyon Trestle is a historic bridge that was built in 1899, more than 100 years ago! The bridge is more than 300 feet long and is over 50 feet tall, but it hasn't been used as a railroad in more than 50 years.
The rest of this hike is also quite enjoyable, even if it is not quite as exciting as the bridge portion. You will be treated with scenic views of the surrounding Sacramento Mountains--and you can see for miles on a clear day.
The trail is well maintained and makes for a great afternoon or morning hike. Bonus points if you get to the bridge area during sunrise or sunset, where you can find incredibly picturesque views of the silhouetted bridge.