9 Strange Habits Every New Jerseyan Will Defend To The Death
By Kim Magaraci|Published January 12, 2022
Kim Magaraci
Kim Magaraci graduated Rutgers University with a degree in Geography and has spent the last seven years as a freelance travel writer. Contact: kmagaraci@onlyinyourstate.com
There’s no question that New Jerseyans have strong personalities, and we’re quick to defend our traditions. Whether it involves the correct pronunciation of “capicola” or our desire to toss TP over some trees in October, we’re all pretty confident that we’ve figured life out. Take a peek below at a few of our favorite New Jersey habits and traditions that leave the rest of the country scratching their head.
Did you know that toilet papering houses the night before Halloween was a Garden State tradition? Ask around, you'll find that outside of New Jersey, this isn't a thing. Here, though, we know that October 30th is just as much of a holiday as the 31st.
2. Going out of the way to your favorite bagel shop.
We'll happily add another 20 minutes to a road trip or a long drive if it means we can grab our breakfast from a spot that we know is going to be good. Nothing is worse than a disappointing bagel.
South Jersey typically calls it pork roll; up north, they say it's Taylor Ham. "Central Jersey" is a wild, lawless land where some people can't make up their minds and go with both.
This is more of a South Jersey thing... but you'll find so many people saying that this is the true winner of the breakfast meat wars. Some places even make it in house... but I don't really want to know more than that.
It's true that September is the best month to go down the shore. No crowds, great weather, warm water. However, we all know that person who drags their beach days well into the fall and winter, insisting that the snow just makes the whole place a little better.
Look, sometimes it's 2 a.m. and you want an eggs Benedict. We don't judge. Our diners stay open all night long.
Do all of these seem familiar to you? What strange habits have you realized originated here in the Garden State? We’d love to hear your stories in the comments below!