16 Things People From New Jersey Will Never Ever Admit (Out Loud)
By Kristen|Published January 07, 2016
Kristen is a writer, editor, and social media maven who loves her state. Born and raised in New Jersey, sharing all it has to offer is her passion. After attending Montclair State University, she continued her education online, obtaining certifications in social media management.
We love New Jersey, it’s the best state in the nation, has absolutely no flaws, and everything about it is perfect. As New Jersey residents, we’re perfect, too. Right??? Of course not. While I consider myself lucky to live in this great state, and appreciate what it has to offer, we don’t all love everything about New Jersey. You’ll often hear us complain about high taxes, corrupt politicians and terrible traffic, but there are certain things that we’d never admit… out loud. PLEASE NOTE: This list does not reflect my opinions, but rather opinions that are generally unpopular in the state; things that people might not want to admit IF they believed them.
Of course, people DO actually admit these things, but it’s always a surprise to hear them. There are many things we share a love of or interest in, and sometimes it even shocks us when a New Jerseyan isn’t into certain things. Still, our diversity is part of what makes this state great. Taylor Ham haters, share with pride. Bon Jovi bashers, it’s okay! In the mob? You should probably keep that quiet. I hope this post gave you a good laugh, and that you’ll add to it in the comments. What else do you think most New Jerseyans are less likely to admit?
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