It Should Be Illegal To Drive Through Metuchen, New Jersey Without Stopping At Pho One
Route 1 is a long, winding highway heading all the way from Maine to Florida, with a lengthy run in New Jersey. As you hit the Middlesex County section, you’ll find a busy stretch full of chain restaurants, strip malls, and supermarkets – as well as the occasional hidden gem. One such gem is found in the short Metuchen section. Sandwiched in between a vitamin shop and a mattress store, you’ll find Pho One, a humble noodle shop serving what might be the best Vietnamese in New Jersey at an affordable price. For little more than the cost of a fast food combo meal these days, you’ll be able to tuck into a steaming bowl of traditional Vietnamese soup loaded with meat and noodles. Top your meal off with one of the restaurant’s signature drinks, and you’ll have more than enough fuel for the drive ahead.
Have you visited Pho One along Route 1 in Metuchen? Let us know about your meal, and tell us your pick for the best Vietnamese in New Jersey in the comments section. For more information on the restaurant’s sprawling menu, you can visit the official Pho One website. While you’re in the area, you’re only a few minutes drive from Roosevelt Park, where you’ll find the state’s most offbeat sculpture.
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