Few People Know About This New Hampshire Backcountry Pond
By Ken MacGray|Published February 10, 2023
Ken MacGray
Hey! I'm a freelance writer and guidebook author. I've authored "New Hampshire's 52 With A View - A Hiker's Guide", serve as editor of Appalachian Mountain Club's "Southern New Hampshire Trail Guide", and and am co-editor of the "White Mountain Guide", also for AMC. I'm currently beginning work on the 6th Edition of AMC's Southern New Hampshire Trail Guide, which will be published in 2025. I live in southern New Hampshire and can usually be found wandering throughout the state's mountains and forests.
While New Hampshire is well-known for its mountains, the state is also graced with many beautiful ponds and lakes. These range from the expansive to the tiny and not all of them are easily accessible. In the small town of Weare, one of these smaller ponds makes for a pleasant destination by foot.
Ferrin Pond is a beautiful backcountry pond tucked away in Weare. The property is located partly on town-owned land and partly on land owned by Piscataquog Land Conservancy.
The pond is named in honor of Enos Ferrin. He was an early settler of Weare in the 1700s and also served in the Revolutionary War. It is believed that the pastures abutting the pond were his farmland.
A fairly easy loop hike begins off Mountain Rd. at the entrance to Weare Town Forest. Note that the access road to the trailhead is not maintained in winter and is otherwise rough. A high-clearance vehicle is recommended.
There is some climbing and descending along the route, but nothing steep. It's a perfect outing for pets (please keep them controlled), kids, and families.
The loop hike around Ferrin Pond is about 2.5 miles round-trip with approximately 250 feet of elevation gain. For more information and to learn more about the history and natural features here, visit the Town of Weare website.