7 Surefire Signs You Have Strong Roots In New Hampshire
By Ken MacGray|Published December 01, 2023
Ken MacGray
Hey! I'm a freelance writer and guidebook author. I've authored "New Hampshire's 52 With A View - A Hiker's Guide", serve as editor of Appalachian Mountain Club's "Southern New Hampshire Trail Guide", and and am co-editor of the "White Mountain Guide", also for AMC. I'm currently beginning work on the 6th Edition of AMC's Southern New Hampshire Trail Guide, which will be published in 2025. I live in southern New Hampshire and can usually be found wandering throughout the state's mountains and forests.
Every state has its own unique culture, people, and local traditions. These will be inherently known to those who were born and raised in a given state but might be less obvious to visitors from afar. If you are a native of the Granite State or have strong roots in New Hampshire, here are a few things that you probably already know that you can also share with others not from here.
No matter if you've had it since childhood or picked it up during your '90s-era grunge days, this essential outerwear is a staple of your clothing regimen during the colder months.
I mean, winter happens at the same time every year, so you're pretty used to it by now. Better to embrace it than stay inside for months at a time. Spring will be here soon enough.
No need to check the calendar. You've got the various hunting seasons all in your head because you grew up with them. You also know that blaze orange isn't a fashion statement.
6. You Know That There Are Really Five Seasons Here
This was a tough choice to go with mud season as the fifth of our yearly cycles. I considered black fly season but mud doesn't bite you until you bleed.
7. You Know That You Don't Buy Beer At A Liquor Store
Bread, milk, eggs, India Pale Ale — check. All of these essential items can be found at the local grocery store, gas station, or pharmacy. If you want wine or scotch, then you go to the liquor store.
OK, so I’m sure I’ve missed a few things in compiling this list, so what do you think? Feel free to share in the comments how your roots in New Hampshire have shaped you into who you are today. If you decide to grab some gear from Wear Your Roots, be sure to use coupon code NewHampshire10 to get 10% off your order!