New Hampshire is full of remote spots just waiting to be discovered. One of the biggest swaths of nature in the state is found in the Pemigewasset Wilderness Area. Because of its large size and protected status, this area has become one of the most remote, isolated spots in New Hampshire, and it is just brimming with natural beauty.
The Pemigewasset Wilderness area is a 45,000 acre part of the White Mountain National Forest. In the wilderness area, you can look over uninterrupted forest for miles and miles.
The region is spectacular on its own, but it is even more impressive when you consider that much of the land that is forested today was once clear-cut by logging companies.
So, next time you're feeling adventurous, pack your bags and head for a day of hiking into the Pemigewasset Wilderness Area, one of the most remote, isolated spots in New Hampshire.