Take A Hike To A New Hampshire Overlook That’s Like Our Own Pride Rock
By Clarisa|Published April 20, 2022
Born and raised Kansan, Clarisa has lived in both tiny towns and cities during their time here in the Sunflower State. As a busy mother of one crazy kid, two cats, and two geckos, they write whenever there is spare time.
New Hampshire has it’s own lookalike version of Pride Rock overlooking everything below. Cathedral Ledge is only one hike away, high up in Echo Lake State Park. Hike this trail to Cathedral Ledge and look at everything below as if you were king for a moment, taking it all in. This hike belongs on your bucket list for a future day outdoors where you want to feel like you’re on top of everything.
Welcome to the beautiful Echo Lake State Park, and the Cathedral Ledge you can hike to that gives you one of the best views in New Hampshire.
The hike covers 2.8 miles of out-and-back trail with a bit of challenge in the elevation gain. It takes an estimated 1.5-2 hours to complete, but every step is worth the beautiful view at the top.
The trail is best traversed between April and November, and is especially stunning in the fall when the trees below turn into a painting in all of those pretty autumn colors.
The view also changes greatly depending on what time of day you visit. The angle of the light choosing which areas are lit up directly or hidden in shadow makes a huge difference.
Also part of the lookalike hike is the beautiful Echo Lake, mirroring the trees and sky only on non-windy days. Even with the wind, the lake is still a stunning feature on the hike.
As a fair warning, no dogs are allowed here as per the park rules. If you can handle the difficulty of a steeper hike, you'll enjoy the views every time.