New England, in general, is crawling with ghosts. There’s just something about it that seems particularly attractive to the undead.
Hollis, New Hampshire is no exception. This small town is one of the most haunted in the state, thanks to its infamous cemetery. Pine Hill Cemetery, nicknamed Blood Cemetery for its most famous gravestone, is apparently so infested with ghosts, the spectral activity leaks out into the surrounding area, and it has some very specific, creepy phenomenon going on at night. For whatever reason, Hollis is a big deal for spirits.
Hollis, New Hampshire looks like any other quaint New England town.
Abel died in 1867 and was laid to rest here with his wife, Betsy. By all accounts, he was a good Christian man — so maybe it's just his unusual name but he's believed to roam the graveyard to this day.
In fact, the finger on his grave pointing upward is incredibly well-known because at night, it supposedly turns downward. Plenty of Hollis residents have sworn they've seen the finger move position at night.
And of course, plenty have reported experiencing strange cold spots, hearing disembodied voices, and feeling generally spooked no matter the time of day in the graveyard.