Do you ever feel the urge to leave it all behind, get back to the land and never set foot in a cubicle again? You’re not alone. For most of us, that’s not a realistic option, but you can get a taste of that dream for a day or two with a visit to this unique New Hampshire homestead. Who knows – maybe you’ll never come back.
D Acres of New Hampshire Permaculture Farm & Educational Homestead was founded in 1997 with the mission of serving as an educational center for sustainable living and organic farming.
But you don't have to commit to communal living to get a taste of farm life - D Acres hosts a number of community events and programs, or you can just drop by for a visit.
The farm also serves as a hostel of sorts, with some private rooms available inside the main house, as well as more communal sleeping space and campsites outdoors.