You'll Feel Like You're On Top Of The World When You Reach The End Of Champney Brook Trail In New Hampshire
By Megan McDonald|Published September 11, 2020
Megan McDonald
Megan McDonald is a writer, photographer, and owner of humu media, an Alaska-based digital media agency. She spends her free time traveling with her husband and daughter around the US and the world.
If you’re dying to get to the top of a gorgeous peak, the Champney Brook Trail winds its way up Mount Chocorua for stunning views of the surrounding landscape. This amazing trail near Conway, New Hampshire shows off some of the prettiest scenery in the state. Grab your shoes and head on out to the White Mountains for a beautiful hiking adventure!
If you have a day off and you want to get out and experience all the beauty that New Hampshire has to offer, than you need to hike the Champney Brook Trail.
7.4 miles in length, it is only moderately difficult, and able to be hiked even in show shoes in the winter. This trail is one that’s perfect to travel all year long.
You’ll ascend 2,244 feet throughout the entire trail.
Parking is $5.00 per car, and there’s plenty of parking at the trailhead. This is a popular trail, so if you’re craving a little solitude, try to get started early in the morning.
Although it may be a little more challenging then your run of the mill hike, this is one trail that rewards you for every step you take. Grab a loved one and get ready to be in awe from these amazing views!
Have you ever hiked the Champney Brook Trail? What did you think? Did you get all the way to the top of Mount Chocorua? Let us know in the comments below!