It’s usually during this time of year that Nevadans start desperately counting down to the winter months. After all, our days currently consist of trying to keep as cool as possible, especially if you reside in the southern region of our state. The Old Farmers Almanac just released their winter predictions for the 2018-2019 season and you may or may not be pleased to hear that it looks like our winter will be warmer than ever. This is awesome news for Nevadans who hate the cold but it might not be such a popular prediction for those of us who actually enjoy the colder months! Take a look at the complete predictions below and start preparing for a warm winter.
The Old Farmer's Almanac just released their winter predictions and we know you're probably dying to read about what they predicted for Nevada. After all, winter doesn't sound too bad right about now!
Of course, weather will vary depending on what part of the Silver State you live in. Nevada is comprised of two seperate weather regions: Intermountain and Desert Southwest.
The majority of the state is included in the Intermountain region and is comprised of cities such as Carson City, Elko, Reno, and Sparks. This region is predicted to experience above normal winter temperatures, with the coldest periods taking place in late December, early January, and early February.
Because of the warmer temperatures in this area, snowfall is also expected to be below normal this year. The snowiest periods are predicted to occur during late November, late December, early and late January, mid to late February, and early March.
The very southern region of our state will experience different weather patterns since it is considered part of the Desert Southwest region. This area is comprised of places like Henderson, Las Vegas, Pahrump, and Winchester.
The Desert Southwest region is actually predicted to experience a colder than normal winter this year, with the coldest periods occurring in mid to late December, early and late January, and mid February.
Of the two regions, there are a few similiarities that are expected to occur. It's predicted that both regions will experience above normal precipitation, so prepare for plenty of rain and maybe even some flash flooding.
It's also predicted that both regions will experience an early end to winter, with the months of April and May boasting above average temperatures and drier conditions than normal. Overall, it looks like this winter will be perfect for those who adore warmer winters. Let's just see if these predictions come true!