It’s no secret that there’s something pretty magical about Nevada’s deserts. True Nevadans know that there is something incredibly beautiful about our vast, barren spaces. It’s part of what makes the Silver State so special. However, did you know that our desert is home to a singing sand dune? It’s true, and you may just have to hear it in order to believe it. Check it out.
Located 90 miles east of Carson City is the Sand Mountain Recreation Area. The park has become a popular place for off-roading enthusiasts looking to take advantage of the gigantic and pristine sand dunes.
People travel from all over the state to this specific part of the desert to see one thing—Sand Mountain. The gigantic sand dune is actually the remnants of the ancient Lake Lahontan. Once one of the largest lakes in the country, it dried up nearly 10,000 years ago.
What remains of the lake is a giant pile of sand that sticks out among the rest of the desert landscape. Lying along "The Loneliest Road in America", Sand Mountain is quite the sight. However, there's something that makes the mountain unique besides its appearance.
The "singing" is a natural phenomenon that is known to reach 105 decibels. As the wind blows across the sand dune, the sand vibrates together to create a loud humming noise that lasts for several minutes. Hearing it with your own ears is an experience that can't be beat.
Who knew the remains of a lake could turn into such a beautiful place thousands of years later? Sand Mountain isn't just a recreational paradise for off-roaders, it's a natural wonder to be respected and admired.