Have you been feeling cooped up for a little too long? There are tons of great hiking trails across the Silver State that are perfect for stretching your legs while surrounding yourself with gorgeous desert beauty, and the Wilson Canyon Nature Trail is one of them. This simple hike takes you through the outstanding landscape of Wilson Canyon near Yerington while following the banks of the West Walker River. It makes for a great day hike when you need a quick and refreshing jaunt in nature, so check it out!
Located between Yerington and US-395 is a little-known canyon that makes for a charming escape when you need some nature in your life. The Wilson Canyon Nature Trail is a great way to explore the area and you'll find that it's fit for all types of adventurers.
Wilson Canyon is the definition of an oasis in the middle of the desert. Those who know about it use the area for hiking, fishing, hunting, horseback riding, and off-roading. The canyon's nature trail can be accessed on the south side of the highway in a small picnic area.
Constructed in 2011 with help from the state, Lyon County, and a group of volunteers, the Wilson Canyon Nature Trail is a 3.5-mile loop trail that's rated as moderate. There are some steep sections and scrambles so be sure to come equipped with sturdy hiking shoes and plenty of water.
There's not a lot of shade on the trail, for the most part. However, a section of the trail does run in between the canyon wall and the West Walker River, providing hikers with the chance to cool off and take a break along the banks of the river.
Placed along the trail are a variety of signs that can help hikers identify the different plants and animals they come across. Wildlife that's known to frequent the canyon includes mule deer, mountain lions, shorebirds, raptors, rattlesnakes, and even some waterfowl.
Wilson Canyon is also loaded with neat geological features. Ancient fossils have been found in the area before, along with pieces of petrified trees! Keep your eyes peeled and you're bound to spot these signs of ancient life under the canyon walls.
When you feel like stretching your legs on a remote desert trail, look no further than Wilson Canyon. There's always an adventure to be had inside of this little-known canyon, so pull on those hiking boots and be sure to check it out.