There’s something truly strange waiting to be discovered in the middle of the desert near Death Valley. The Goldwell Open Air Museum is a sculpture park located outdoors. It’s often regarded as one of the most unique places to view art in the nation. This is truly one of Nevada’s most bizarre treasures and everybody should experience it at least once. You won’t believe the true weirdness of these sculptures until you see them in person. Check it out.
Located near the ghost town of Rhyolite is the vast expanse of the Mojave Desert. The views of this desert may look like any other, but upon further inspection you'll discover something truly bizarre hiding in plain sight.
The Goldwell Open Air Museum is a 15-acre sculpture park that features several humongous sculptures. This certainly isn't like any museum you've ever visited before. This is by far one of Nevada's quirkiest attractions and it must be experienced in person to be appreciated fully.
The museum's main attraction is the life-size version of "The Last Supper" by Leonardo Da Vinci. The sight of these stark white cloaks in the middle of the desert is oddly unsettling.
The museum began with the creation of this sculpture by artist Albert Szukalski. This eerie scene was created by draping plaster-soaked cloaks over live models until they dried and stood on their own. It's an unforgettable rendition of one of the most famous paintings in the world.
On site is a visitor center which features exhibits and a gift shop. The visitor center has limited hours, but people are welcome to view the sculptures whenever they like.
There's something truly strange about seeing these unique sculptures in the natural desert landscape. However, these two don't really clash as you'd expect. Instead, the sculptures amid the desolate landscape create something beautiful.
Szukalski paved the way for other artists to leave their mark in this barren part of the desert. Other sculptures include a 24-foot tall steel prospector ("Tribute to Shorty Harris") and a 25-foot tall pink, pixelated woman ("The Venus of Nevada").
This museum is definitely one-of-a-kind. If you didn't know it was a museum, you might just think these sculptures were placed here by aliens.
You'll find the Goldwell Open Air Museum approximately 4 miles west of Beatty off of State Highway 374, on the way to Death Valley National Park. You definitely need to witness this weird place with your own eyes to believe it.