There are quite a few ways to tell the new residents from the old here in Nevada. For instance, there’s the way they handle the hottest days of summer, what their stance is on Las Vegas, and whether or not they’ve tasted the deliciousness that is Basque food before. However, one of the best ways to tell if someone is from out-of-state or just newly moved here is how they pronounce the places listed below. These words seem to be hard to pronounce for those that haven’t lived in the Silver State very long (or at all), but they’re no sweat for longtime Nevadans.
For some reason, the name of this northern Nevada town seems to trip a lot of people up, despite the fact that it's pronounced pretty much exactly how it's spelled. The town of Winnemucca was named for the 19th-century Chief Winnemucca of the local Paiute tribe. The chief's daughter, Sarah Winnemucca, went on to become a prominent figure in Nevada history.
Okay, so this word may not look that difficult but you can tell whether or not a person is a longtime Nevadan by how they pronounce the second syllable of this word. Real Nevadans know that there is no "r"; it's Jar-BIDGE, not Jar-BRIDGE.
Lamoille can be a tricky one, but here's a hint: if it feels like there's something in your mouth when you're saying it, you're doing it right. The pronunciation of "La-moil" (last syllable rhymes with "soil") is generally accepted around these parts. However it's pronounced, we can all agree that Lamoille represents one of the most stunning regions of the state.
Beowawe is a mystery to out-of-staters in more ways than one. Unless you're a well-traveled resident of Nevada, it's likely you don't even know what or where Beowawe is! This tiny town is just south of I-80 in between Battle Mountain and Elko. Bonus points if you know what the word Beowawe actually means. Interestingly enough, it's believed to be a Shoshone word for "big butt". Nice.
Don't believe those "How to Pronounce" videos that pop up on Google when you type in "Pioche". They are not to be believed. True residents know that this delightful town in the desert is pronounced "pee-oach". Plain and simple.
Toquima Cave is one of Nevada's most notable historic sites, so pronouncing this one is like second-nature to most Nevadans. Located not far from the geographic center of the state, this place should also be a bucket list item for anybody who appreciates Nevada history.
This one can definitely be a mouthful. "Pah-ran-ah-gut" is generally accepted. Luckily, correct pronunciation isn't a requirement for enjoying the wonders that Pahranagat National Wildlife Refuge has to offer.
These three letters may seem simple, but this word is probably one of the most mispronounced towns in all of Nevada. No, it's not "Ellie" or "Eli", it's more like "Ee-lee".
Owyhee, Nevada is a tiny town in the northern region of the state with a population of just 953. If you're having trouble remembering the pronunciation, just remember that it is derived from an early anglicization of "Hawai'i". They are pronounced the same way, but spelled differently.
We couldn't end this list without including the most commonly mispronounced word associated with our state: Nevada. It seems like Nevadans will be struggling until the end of time with correcting those who insist on spouting "Ne-VAH-duh" instead of "Ne-VA-duh". We can only hope that one day everybody will get our state's name right.