12 Undeniable Habits That No Nevadan Can Ever Unlearn
You know what—Nevadans are definitely a fun bunch of people, albeit a little quirky, too. But we wear our quirkiness with pride. From our need to correct anyone who cannot pronounce our wonderful state name to always giving horses the right of way on the open road, here are some of the undeniable habits that a Nevadan can ever unlearn.

It’s not "Nevadian" it’s Nevadan. It’s also not "Ne-VAH-duh" it’s "Ne-VA-duh". These are pretty crucial pronunciations we can’t and won’t ever unlearn.

You know what, we’re proud of our state and how darn beautiful she is with all her hills and mountains and unique rock formations.

Especially when describing places to non-residents. It’s just easier to say "45 minutes outside of Reno" then to watch the look of confusion spread across their face when you say the name of the town.

Yes, Nevada has a ton of "haunted" places throughout the state including cemeteries and ghost towns. While many people find these "haunted" spots to be terrifying, we show them honor, respect and love.

When you step into a grocery, airport or even restaurant and there isn’t a place to put in a few bucks and pull a handle, something’s amiss.

This is a habit that Nevadan’s cannot unlearn no matter what, and when we are visiting other states that don’t allow us to walk around with our alcoholic beverages, it’s a cruel, cruel joke.

These big, metal boxes that transport us from one place to the next have nothing on our four-legged friends.

Some assume it’s architecture, others think it’s a Harry Potter character’s fashion sense.

Area 51 exists, people, and there is a darn good and quite secretive reason for it.

Visitors have this misconception that it’s all arid landscapes and desert-terrain out here. Until they see what happens when a snow storm hits and begin to scratch their heads.

Yes, prostitution is permitted in Nevada. Which is probably why we won’t even really notice when we pass one on the road. Unless of course an out-of-towner is in the car and starts snickering.

Floods and flash floods happen often in Nevada, which is why Nevadans do not ignore when threats are possible.
Let’s keep this list going in the comments section! Share more undeniable habits that Nevadan’s can’t ever unlearn. Otherwise, if you’re looking for more Nevadan potential truths, then have a look at 13 Things Every True Nevadian Does At Least Once Before They Die.
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