Most People Have Never Seen These 11 Photos Taken During WWII In Nebraska
By Delana Lefevers|Published February 28, 2016
Delana Lefevers
As a lifelong Nebraskan, Delana loves discovering the many hidden treasures of her state. She has worked as a writer and editor since 2007. Delana's work has been featured on more than a dozen websites and in Nebraska Life Magazine.
World War II affected the entire world, and Nebraska, of course, was no exception. Whether or not they were soldiers, everyone contributed in varying ways. These photos from Nebraska in the WWII era tell a small part of the story of our state’s involvement in the war.
Aside from sending many of our able-bodied young people to fight on the front lines, Nebraska played a large part in the war effort. These photos will forever commemorate that dark time in world history that was made a bit brighter by people coming together to work toward a common goal.
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