12 Undeniable Things You'll Find In Every Nebraska Home
There are some things you really need to survive in Nebraska…and there are other things we just seem to have collectively decided belong in every home in the state. Of course, you’ll find some of this stuff in homes in other states, but almost every household in Nebraska will have these essential items.
Hats, coats, scarves, gloves...we've got them all, usually in multiples because we're sensible and we know we'll always need spares.
There's a different use for each one of those shovels - something you learn after many winters of snow removal.
These delightfully soft foot cozies are a welcome gift for any holiday. Whether they come handmade from a relative or straight from the dollar bin at Shopko, these things are the best in cold weather.
These are the absolute essentials right here. We collect so many bottles because most of us have a hard time throwing them out after they expire...or even accepting the fact that they have expiration dates.
Whether it's a treasured family heirloom or a gift from your last birthday, these are priceless.
If you don't have a full kit ready to go every summer in your basement, you've probably at least got a flashlight and a weather radio just in case.
We usually think of Huskers gear first, but there are a lot of colleges in Nebraska and we like to show pride in our favorite.
We don't even hunt in my house, but somehow we have a couple of camouflage items that seem to have just appeared on their own.
Bonus points if all of yours have the names of banks or insurance companies on them because you've gotten them all at parades!
Summer doesn't feel right without lots of fresh corn on the cob, and it's a heck of a lot harder to eat if you aren't protecting your fingertips from the heat with these handles.
This is the most delicious, versatile condiment ever invented, and no Nebraska household would be complete without a bottle or two.
Why do we have these? Because they can make your house smell like cookies all the time. COOKIES! They're magical.
Do you have all of these in your house? What other items are essential for every Nebraska home? Let us know in the comments.
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