Witness The Absolutely Gigantic Full Supermoon From Your Backyard In Nebraska In Early April
By Delana Lefevers|Published March 29, 2020
Delana Lefevers
As a lifelong Nebraskan, Delana loves discovering the many hidden treasures of her state. She has worked as a writer and editor since 2007. Delana's work has been featured on more than a dozen websites and in Nebraska Life Magazine.
If you’re going a little crazy with cabin fever this spring, don’t worry – there’s a special astronomical event coming up soon that the whole family will love. You don’t even have to venture out into public for this natural phenomenon; you can see it right from your own back yard.
Grab a lawn chair or a blanket and head outside on the night of April 7, 2020. The full moon will appear closer to us than usual, making for a beautiful springtime show.
This springtime moon is known as the Full Pink Moon. Unfortunately, the name has nothing to do with its color. The Pink Moon derived its name because it coincides with the arrival of pink phlox, one of the first flowers to pop up in spring in North America.
The word "supermoon" has become pretty well known in recent years. If you're not familiar with the term, it refers to a full or new moon that looks larger and brighter than usual. It occurs when the moon is at its closest approach to Earth.
Of the four supermoons in 2020, the one in April will be the closest to Earth, so it will appear the largest to those of us on the ground. The first two supermoons appeared earlier this year and the fourth will happen in early May.
The night of a supermoon is always a special treat for astronomers, photographers, and anyone who loves to see the incredible full moon. Head out to the back yard for what's set to be the most impressive full moon of the year.
The pink supermoon will be visible on the evening of April 7, 2020. Its peak will come at 9:35 pm, early enough that the whole family can go moon-watching together. This is one activity that you can do while still practicing social distancing!