Rise and Shine With A Massive Donut From Randy's Donut Shop in Nebraska
By Megan McDonald|Published April 06, 2020
Megan McDonald
Megan McDonald is a writer, photographer, and owner of humu media, an Alaska-based digital media agency. She spends her free time traveling with her husband and daughter around the US and the world.
If you need something bright and sweet to cheer up your morning, Randy’s Donut Shop in Lincoln, Nebraska will supply you with one delicious, massive donut. They have every kind of flavor you could dream of, and even ones you’ve never seen before. Make sure to swing by to pick up one of these amazing pastry creations!
Have you ever been to Randy’s Donut Shop? What did you think? Will you swing by this week to take home one of your favorite creations? Let us know in the comments below.