This Might Just Be The Most Laid-Back Small Town In Nebraska And You’ll Want To Visit
By Delana Lefevers|Published April 16, 2018
Delana Lefevers
As a lifelong Nebraskan, Delana loves discovering the many hidden treasures of her state. She has worked as a writer and editor since 2007. Delana's work has been featured on more than a dozen websites and in Nebraska Life Magazine.
It should come as no surprise that life in Nebraska is much more laid back than life in most other states. We enjoy a slower pace here, and we’re perfectly happy with small-town life. There’s a little town in Frontier County that embraces and embodies this slower pace of life, and once you see how sweet it is you’ll want to visit.
For a better look at what life in Curtis is like, check out this short video.
Although Curtis is laid back, it’s certainly not boring or stagnant. The residents are all very involved in the community, and city leaders are constantly brainstorming new ways to keep Curtis alive and thriving. It’s a wonderful place to live or simply to spend a few days exploring the beautiful scenery and recreational areas.
You can read more about Curtis – including how to move there and claim your own plot of free land – at the city’s website.