The Highest Road In Nebraska Will Lead You On An Unforgettable Journey
By Delana Lefevers|Published November 20, 2017
Delana Lefevers
As a lifelong Nebraskan, Delana loves discovering the many hidden treasures of her state. She has worked as a writer and editor since 2007. Delana's work has been featured on more than a dozen websites and in Nebraska Life Magazine.
Nebraska is anything but mountainous, but we do still have our high points. Well, one high point, anyway. It’s known as Panorama Point…and it’s actually not quite a point. Read on to see the journey to reach Nebraska’s highest point.
Most people start the journey in Kimball, which is in the southwestern corner of the panhandle about an hour away from Panorama Point. The road you'll take doesn't look like the highest road in the state. In fact, it looks like just about any other county road you'll find in rural Nebraska.
On the way to Panorama Point, you'll pass a whole lot of Nebraska... and a few interesting sights that you might not expect. A bison herd may poke their heads out to say hello, plenty of prairie birds will mill about, and you'll even see some missile silos out in the fields. (Word to the wise: don't try to approach the silos!)
Eventually you'll come to a sign asking you to pay an entrance fee of $3 per person to see the highest point in Nebraska. Pay the fee, pass through the gates, and make your way out to the marker. You'll be all the way up at 5,424 feet above sea level! Sign the guest register to prove that you've been to this weird and wonderful place in the Cornhusker State.
Watch the video above for an in-depth look at the trip, including other sights to see along the way. It’s definitely a unique experience, and although it’s out in the middle of nowhere it’s a decidedly lovely place to visit.
Have you ever taken the highest road in Nebraska to visit the highest point in the state? Tell us about your trip in the comments!