Have A Safe And Silly Halloween At Nebraska's Great Halloween Drive-Thru Event
By Delana Lefevers|Published October 22, 2020
Delana Lefevers
As a lifelong Nebraskan, Delana loves discovering the many hidden treasures of her state. She has worked as a writer and editor since 2007. Delana's work has been featured on more than a dozen websites and in Nebraska Life Magazine.
Halloween is swiftly approaching, and while we may not get to do all of the things we usually do, there’s still plenty of fun to be had. Next weekend, the Durham Museum in Omaha is inviting families out to a free event that doesn’t even require you to get out of your car.
The museum is holding the Great Halloween Drive-Thru in cooperation with the Omaha Children's Museum, the Rose Theater, Omaha Community Playhouse, Fontenelle Forest, Strategic Air Command & Aerospace Museum, NE SciFest, Old Market Association, and TreeRush Adventures at Fontenelle Forest.
The event will take place in the Durham's parking structure. A number of "zones," each with its own theme, will be set up along the way. Look out for the Zombie Zone and much more.
The entire event is designed to be enjoyed from your car. As you drive through, you'll marvel at the decorations and costumed characters. You'll also collect all sorts of treats, both edible and not, along the way.
There will even be a laser light show that you can watch from the comfort of your car. Participants are encouraged to come in costume - you can even dress up your car for the occasion!
If you choose to roll down your windows during the event, the organizers ask that you wear a mask for everyone's protection. While every effort is being made to ensure the safety of everyone involved, it's still a good idea to wash your hands or use hand sanitizer after coming into contact with any objects or surfaces that have been touched by others.
The Great Halloween Drive-Thru is free and no reservation is required to attend. It’s happening on Tuesday, October 27, from 5 p.m. to 8 p.m. Visitors will enter at the lower level of the parking lot on 9th and Leavenworth and make their way up to the upper level before exiting onto 10th Street. Find out more about this family-friendly Halloween event in Omaha right here.