You don’t normally associate Nebraska with Bigfoot, but there have been Bigfoot sightings all across the United States. There’s a map in the Bigfoot Crossroads of America Museum that lists where each sighting has taken place and, yes, there are some in Nebraska.
The museum is a collection of evidence – bones, eyewitness accounts, Bigfoot oddities – that presents the case for the existence of Bigfoot. There is also an accessible Bigfoot Garden in the works.
It all comes down to Harriett McFeely, or “Bigfoot Lady” as she’s been dubbed. She opened the museum in 2018 on her 73rd birthday, knowing there wasn’t another museum about Bigfoot for 500 miles in any direction.
The Bigfoot Lady became a believer when she witnessed two Bigfoots (Bigfeet?) on a camping trip to Colorado in 1953, but she waited decades before she admitted to the public that she had seen them.
There are also Bigfoot handprint casts in her collection. To round out the museum, her collection also includes oddities such as elongated skulls from South America and a display about Zana, The Wild Woman of Russia who was allegedly a surviving Neanderthal.
Aside from artifacts directly related to Bigfoot, the museum also includes evidence to explain what Bigfoot is not. Sightings are often attributed to bears or other wildlife. Skulls of bears, gorillas, and more are on display to drive the point home.