11 Awkward Moments Every Nebraskan Has Endured At Least Once
Everyone has an awkward experience now and then…it’s just part of life. But living in Nebraska, there are a few that you’re almost guaranteed to have at least once. How many of these have you endured?

If you collected a dollar for every time someone from another state asked "Nebraska? Where's that?" you'd probably have saved up enough for a down payment on a new car by now. Or a used car, at least.

To some people, Nebraska is a couple of cities and then just flat nothingness. Trying to get them to understand that there are hundreds of smaller towns can be a little awkward because they never seem to believe it at first.

There are some people who truly believe we don't have electricity or indoor plumbing. Still. In the 21st century.

We don't have that many confusing town names, but the ones we do have are really confusing to out-of-staters. (This is "Nor-fork," we promise.)

It's happened to all of us: we think winter is finally over, so we wear a t-shirt and shorts...and then the temperature drops by 40 degrees and two inches of snow fall before the end of the day.

Go someone else in the world and try to say a polite "hi" to a stranger and you'll probably get a look like this one. People are either confused or suspicious. We're just friendly, we swear!

Go down to the big tree, turn left and keep going until you pass the third barn on the right. The place you're looking for is catty-corner to the big green house with the cow mailbox. Why is that so hard to understand?

These people are usually elderly and have known your family for decades, so it's understandable that they might get you confused with a family member. But then you have to make the awkward decision between correcting them or just going along with it.

They might sell it in grocery stores in other states, but most restaurants don't keep it on hand. You'll either get the confused "Huh?" or the ever-so-helpful "We have French dressing, is that the same?" (NO, IT IS NOT.)

It's like a maddening politeness stand-off. Please just go in the order in which you got there so you don't give other drivers a stroke.

We call it "taking the scenic route," and it's actually kind of relaxing. The awkward part comes in when you're supposed to be somewhere at a certain time and get there an hour late...or when you get so lost that you have to stop to ask for directions.
These situations can be a little uncomfortable in the moment, but we can usually look back later and laugh. What other awkward moments does every Nebraskan experience? Add yours to the list in the comments!
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