10 Things Longtime Montanans Wish They Could Tell Newcomers
We know what you’re thinking – and no, “Go home” is not on the list. Despite our running jokes, we do happily welcome newcomers to Montana… as long as we get a few things straight.
Here are a few things the lifelong Montanans wish newcomers to know:

You've probably noticed that Montana is one of the least populated states in the country. We'd love to keep it that way, but if that isn't possible, we'd at least like to maintain our space. Don't crowd our property lines or our lives, and we'll welcome you with open arms. From a distance.

We absolutely love our lakes, rivers, parks, mountains and trails. We hope you do, too, but please respect the land.

We're not saying we don't want newcomers to help improve our communities. We love supporting your small businesses and your support. But Montana is called the Last Best Place for a reason - we love to preserve our traditions.

Even the best pictures don't do our state justice.

We don't mean to sound harsh, but (especially depending on what part of the state you call home), winter is a big deal here.

This is Yesterday's Calf-A in Dell, a converted schoolhouse that serves amazing pie. There are gems like this all over the state.

We've got some well-preserved ghost towns, like Bannack State Park, and our past is quite colorful and interesting.

This is Makoshika State Park, which is full of beautiful badlands and dinosaur bones.

Every Montanan does this. Just trust us. Wink, wink.
Really, the most important thing for any new Montanan to realize for themselves is that Montana is the best state.
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