1. The state pride is like nothing you’ll experience anywhere else.
This is actually true. A Gallup poll surveyed people in all 50 states and found that 77% of those polled in Montana think it’s the best state to live in. The other 23% were probably just confused.
2. They have a sense of humor.
Speaking of living in Montana, if you decide to move there and you’re from California, you can expect some teasing from the locals. As long as you don’t actively try to change anything, it will all be in good fun. People in Montana can take a joke, too, even at their own expense. They have to be able to laugh at themselves since a small percentage of the country thinks they still ride horses to work every day.
3. They will help you if you need it.
Need help moving, shoveling snow, or changing your car’s tire on the side of the road? If you’re in Montana, you’ll always find the help you need.
4. It’s OK if you don’t know them when you first meet them, because they probably know your brother’s best friend’s fifth grade teacher.
The six degrees of separation is more like three degrees in Montana. There’s something oddly charming about knowing the stranger you’ve just met probably knows someone who knows you.
5. They know and appreciate what they have.
Jessica Wick
Some people take the natural beauty that surrounds them for granted. Not in Montana. The people always appreciate the scenery because they know how lucky they are.
6. They make the best, most loyal friends…
… and they make amazing romantic partners, too.
7. They are always prepared.
Life in Montana means learning to fend for yourself at a young age and being prepared for weather changes, last-minute trips and all things unexpected.
8. Things that would be completely insane to most people are no big deal to Montanans.
Oh, you have to scrape your car’s windshield every morning for three weeks? Try unplugging its engine and then digging it out of the snow almost every day for four months. Montanans are used to it. They’ll also watch a herd of deer traipse through their backyards at night without blinking.
9. If you’re lucky and they trust you, they’ll share their “secret spots” with you.
Everyone in Montana has their secret spots. From the quietest swimming hole to the best lake to catch trout, they’ll pick their favorite places carefully. They’re even more careful about telling others where they are.
10. They’re always up for an adventure.
Those great outdoors aren’t going to explore themselves.
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