Not Many People Know About This Wildlife Sanctuary Right Here In Missouri
By Liz Oliver|Published June 21, 2018
Liz Oliver
Liz is a Missouri native with a B.A. in English from Mizzou and a M.A. in Non-Profit Administration from Lindenwood University. She works for a STL metro-area community college and enjoys writing, traveling, and indoor cycling. Her true passion is forcing her encyclopedic knowledge of Missouri facts on uninterested strangers from across the globe!
Missouri is home to a diverse population of wildlife. All native species of animals are essential to a healthy ecosystem, but as the human population continues to grow there seems to be less room for our furry friends to roam. Most of us know to take out sick pets to the vet when they need medical attention but have you ever wondered who cares for an injured squirrel or abandoned coyote pup? Just outside of St. Louis is an amazing wildlife sanctuary that works to rehabilitate injured animals and release them back into the wild. Want to know more about this amazing facility, keep reading to find out how you can visit or volunteer.