14 Terrifying Views in Missouri That Will Make Your Palms Sweat
By Stephanie Butler|Published January 18, 2016
Stephanie Butler
A native Midwesterner with a love for family, friends, and learning new things. In second-stage of career life, this former college instructor enjoys contributing to OIYS, blogging, reading, and spending time with her kids.
We are all afraid of something or the other, and what is terrifying to one person isn’t necessarily scary to someone else. When you think of “terrifying views” the mind first goes to views from great heights, but if you are afraid of tornadoes, an approaching one can give you the scare of a lifetime. If you are afraid of snakes, seeing a giant one in your living room would make you cringe. I’ll even admit, a mouse scurrying across the floor gets me up on the furniture in no time! Here are a few other views that just might make you uneasy, or maybe you’ll just think they are beautiful.
If you look at the trees in the distance, it gives you some idea of the size of this tornado cell. I wouldn't want to look out my front door and see this coming.
These folks are about 180 feet in the air enjoying RipCord, a combination of the thrill of skydiving with a free-fall flight. Up to three people will swing about eight times. Not for those afraid of heights (or falling).
Often, creepy scenes like this one come with creepy stories. Also known as Springlawn Farm, this abandoned place became known as the Albino Farm due to urban legends and stories of murder and strange happenings. They even made a movie about it. Enter at your own risk.
The only thing that would make this scarier is if it was still raining. You never know what damage that much water can do. Oh, and when it says "road closed" that means don't try to drive through it!