14 Things That Make People From Small Town Missouri The Best People
There’s something special about small town folks. They wave hello when passing each other, both in their cars and on the street. They are loyal to each other and to their sports teams. They tend to stay in touch with childhood friends for their entire lives. But that’s not all! Here are some more things that make people from small town Missouri the very best people you will ever meet.

When everybody in town knows everyone else, it's hard to do anything without everyone knowing. So, you'd better be good!

It's just what you do. I hope you like casseroles!

With a clear view of the horizon, it's easier to see the beauty of dawn.

The setting sun and all its colors are often more visible with nature as its backdrop.

The clarity of the stars are amazing without the city lights getting in the way.

It might be quite a drive to the nearest mall, so trips there become all the more special.

Not to mention, everyone has a favorite.

Even when they move away to a bigger city, they bring their small town roots with them.

Small town schools and businesses are full of farm families, and many young small town residents work in the fields for their first job.

Getting your car out of a snow bank, cutting your grass, providing food for struggling families...it's just what you do.

Because there are less people, growing up everyone has the opportunity to try everything. You don't have to "try out" you just "sign up."

Directions also come with landmarks like "red barn," "Murphy's Farm," and "giant oak tree," rather than street names.

Large cities can be impersonal, but small town people all know each other, and actually spend time together.

It's not uncommon for residents to work together to improve the overall beauty and appeal of the town as a collective effort.
Do you agree with these observations? What are some other things that make small town Missourians special? Share in the comments below.
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