This Is The Single Craziest Thing You Never Knew Happened In Missouri
Have you heard the story of the amazing dog from Marshall, Missouri? In 1925 Sam VanArsdale bought a Llewellyn setter, who was considered the runt of the little. VanArsdale named the pup Jim and quickly began working him with a hunting trainer. However, Jim was uninterested in training…what happened next is the single craziest thing you never knew happened in Missouri.

Jim immediately detected a covey of quail and went on point. He also returned each shot bird on command. Jim went on to excel in hunting and Outdoor Life Magazine named him "The Hunting Dog of the Country".


As news of Jim's abilities traveled, requests came in for Jim to showcase his talents on the road. Jim performed in front of crowds all across the Midwest. He even correctly chose the winner of seven Kentucky Derbies!

Visit Jim's park and memorial statue on the town square off Lafayette St. in Marshall.
Do you believe the story about Jim the Wonder Dog’s amazing talents? Let us know what you think of Jim the Wonder Dog in the comments below.
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