12 Awkward Moments Every Kansas Citian Has Endured At Least Once
By Clarisa|Published November 24, 2017
Born and raised Kansan, Clarisa has lived in both tiny towns and cities during their time here in the Sunflower State. As a busy mother of one crazy kid, two cats, and two geckos, they write whenever there is spare time.
No matter where you live in Kansas City, there’s bound to be a few awkward moments you’ve had that you have in common with others. I mean, there’s a little over two million people living in the metro area, so you’re bound to have a lot in common with plenty of people you pass on the street. Unfortunately, most of these awkward moments are caused by tourists and those who just moved here. I guess there has to be some downside to living somewhere so great. Let’s see how many of these you’ve experienced.
1. Getting lost in other grocery stores that aren't your grocery store.
There are a ton of grocery store options in the KC area, and for some, it's not that strange to drive 20 minutes or more to get groceries in bulk. Your corner store might be good for bread and milk, but who can navigate the strange layout to find anything, anyway?
2. Accidentally insulting a local team in front of a hardcore fan.
It's not that the insult isn't true, but more likely they really don't want to hear just how bad that last game was. Other times, you might want to watch what you say in the wrong place, because it could get you punched, or at least in an argument.
3. Asking how far away from the city something is, and getting your answer in miles, not minutes.
Yeah, that's three miles, but three miles on the freeway or in town? Bonus points if they also describe markers that aren't even there anymore, like "that old crooked willow that was taken down in '85."
4. Trying to choose what weather you're dressing for... and choosing wrong.
Jacket or no jacket? That's always the question, because in spring and fall, it could be 80 all day, or it could drop to 40 after work. It's a mystery!
5. When road construction is finally finished... and starts again just down the road.
It seems like construction lasts years, and it only does because it's slowly moving along whatever area needs it most. By the time they're finally done with all of it, no one knows what it's like to drive over there anymore!
6. When you're out of state and craving barbecue they don't serve.
Excluding states like Kansas and Nebraska that have a few KC barbecue restaurants, most states don't serve our variety. If that's what you've grown to love the most, you'll miss it for sure if you leave.
Kansas City is confusing for those who have lived in other cities, or who are used to more grid-type layouts. Here, you can expect on and off ramps going every which way, and it's really easy to miss your turn the first time. Or the first five times.
9. Explaining for the ten millionth time where Kansas City is.
Sometimes I think we all should have t-shirts that just explain exactly where we are, and how much is on the Kansas side. Wouldn't that just make it so much easier for everyone?
After the shame of looking like an idiot, some of us just settle for sitting next to our cars while they run, hoping to not be baked alive next time we open the door.
12. When no one can agree on a place to eat, because there's just about every cuisine available.