Only The Bravest Dare To Take This Haunted River Float Trip In Missouri
By Liz Oliver|Published September 01, 2018
Liz Oliver
Liz is a Missouri native with a B.A. in English from Mizzou and a M.A. in Non-Profit Administration from Lindenwood University. She works for a STL metro-area community college and enjoys writing, traveling, and indoor cycling. Her true passion is forcing her encyclopedic knowledge of Missouri facts on uninterested strangers from across the globe!
Fall is right around the corner, pumpkin spiced lattes are already being sold and Halloween decorations are out in stores. While it seems like everyone’s favorite season is fall, some love this time of year more for the frights than the sights. If you love haunted houses, this haunted float trip in Missouri is right up your alley!