The Story Behind This Haunted Hospital In Mississippi Is Truly Creepy
By Daniella DiRienzo|Published September 02, 2017
Daniella DiRienzo
Though Daniella was born in New York and has lived in a couple of other states, Mississippi has been her home for more than 30 years. After graduating from the University of Southern Mississippi, Daniella began to hone her writing skills through various internships. In the years since, she’s had the privilege of having her articles appear in several publications, such as the Mississippi-based Parents & Kids Magazine. She’s also had the honor of interviewing actress Sela Ward for The Mississippi Arts and Entertainment Experience.
Of all the haunts in Mississippi, Howard Memorial Hospital in Biloxi is perhaps one of the creepiest. The hospital has long been a magnet for paranormal activity, even years after it closed down. Though the building, which is still standing, hasn’t served as a hospital for quite some time, the spine-tingling tales of the spirits who once roamed its halls continue to live on to this day.
Howard Memorial Hospital in Biloxi, was first opened in 1963. Despite serving hundreds, if not thousands of patients, in its heyday, two little girls made a lasting impression on the staff. And that's because they were spirits.
The female spirits, who were about 5-7 years old and 3’ tall, made their presence known to staff and patients on countless occasions. The hauntings were so common, in fact, they were documented in a 1986 Sun Herald article, which stated, "Mention them to anyone who worked for any length of time at old Biloxi Regional Medical Center on Back Bay, and they immediately know what you’re talking about."
Similar to living children, the "mischievous" girls often did things like play with thermostats or elevator buttons. Phantom giggling was also a common occurrence. Seeing the ghostly girls was not a good sign because according to lore, "anyone who saw them soon joined them in the great beyond."
It was not uncommon for extremely ill patients to ask nurses if something could be done about the ruckus being caused by the girls' spirits. But they weren't all trouble. According to some nurses, the girls could be helpful, too. There were several instances when the elevator doors swung open on their own to allow an infant patient through.
The circumstances behind the girls’ deaths remain a mystery to this day. According to some stories, they were former patients of the hospital; others claim they were killed at a nearby playground. There are varying accounts regarding what the girls are wearing, too. Those who’ve caught a peek at the girls claimed they were either wearing nightgowns or party dresses.
Others have had more sinister experiences within the walls of the hospital. Witness reports include everything from phantom screaming and crying to an overbearing presence. Some have even claimed to feel as if someone was whispering directly in their ear.
Ever heard about this hospital and its haunting past? Have something to add? Tell us in the comments section.