15 Undeniable Reasons Why The World Wouldn't Be The Same Without Minnesota
By Jo Magliocco|Published October 02, 2015
Jo Magliocco
Minnesota staff writer for Only in Your State and owner of Minnesota blog NorthGuide.co, I'm a Minneapolis transplant who loves my cats, camera, and local coffee. On the weekends I'm usually exploring the North Shore or making my way through the list of Minnesota's State Parks. Want to talk about MN or ask me a question? Tweet me @sotafiedjo!
Are you tired of defending Minnesota to everyone you meet? It seems people think MN is an arctic wasteland, and it can be really frustrating when people don’t realize how awesome this state is! To make it a little easier we made this brief list for you to show everyone, and prove easily once and for all that the world as we know it would cease to exist without the amazing folks and places in Minnesota!