These Mines Hiding Deep Below Minnesota Are Like A Whole New Underground World
By Betsy Rathburn|Published June 13, 2018
Betsy Rathburn
Betsy is a Minneapolis-based writer who's lived in Minnesota for 20 years. If you know of any amazing Minnesota restaurants, nature areas, or other attractions, feel free to let her know about them at or on Twitter @betsyrathburn.
Ask any Minnesotan about the Iron Range, and they’ll know exactly what you’re talking about. People outside of Minnesota? Not so much. But that’s their loss, because Minnesota’s Iron Range is surprisingly beautiful. From scenic mine overlooks to sparkling lakes created by mining activity, they have made an indelible mark on the landscape of northern Minnesota. At one brand-new state park, you can even travel far below the surface of the Earth to tour one little-known mine. It’ll feel like a secret, underground world. Take a look: